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Rep. Pettersen Visits Fremont County, Hears from Local Officials and Business Leaders on Workforce Shortages, Housing Costs, and Wildfire Mitigation

U.S. Representative Brittany Pettersen (CO-07) recently visited Fremont County, touring sites where she has delivered federal investments, and making stops to visit local residents, business leaders, and elected officials and update them on the work she is doing in Congress.

She heard about workforce shortages, lack of affordable housing and childcare, the need for wildfire mitigation and about the urgency to address the skyrocketing cost of homeowners insurance because of wildfire risks. 

“Meeting the needs of rural areas is one of my top priorities in Congress, and that means addressing the affordability and accessibility of housing, child care, and health care,” said Pettersen. “ I’m so proud to have secured federal funds for Fremont County that lower housing costs so families can stay in the communities they love. I know there is a lot of work to do, but we have made so much progress already, and I’m hopeful we will continue to deliver for Fremont County.” 

During her first stop, Pettersen toured a future affordable housing development with the Upper Arkansas Council of Governments (UAACOG). In this year’s government funding package, Pettersen secured $255,000 for the purchase of six lots for the construction of new family homes. The project broke ground in late May 2024.

“The Upper Arkansas Council of Governments (UAACOG) would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to Congresswoman Pettersen and her team for their commitment to the needs of Colorado's rural communities and her support for the Self-Help Housing Program.  Thank you for helping us help make lives better,” said Heather Evans, Executive Director, Upper Arkansas Area Council of Governments. 

In Cañon City, Pettersen joined local Chamber of Commerce officials in Florence where she heard directly from Fremont County business owners about housing, transportation, and other policies to create economic opportunity in the region. With the cancellation of bus services between Cañon City and Colorado Springs, seniors in the area now struggle to attend medical appointments and access other essential health care services. 

“We at the Royal Gorge Chamber Alliance appreciate how Rep. Pettersen has reached out to the 7th Congressional District communities. During her first term in office, she has visited Fremont County multiple times to get to know our local concerns,” said Bob Stovall, Government Affairs Chair, Royal Gorge Chamber Alliance.

Next, Pettersen met with Cañon City Board of Education and City Council members to discuss how we can support students by addressing workforce challenges in rural Colorado. Council and board members spoke to the high cost of housing and lack of affordable child care options in Fremont County, which are substantial obstacles to recruiting and retaining teachers. 

Pettersen then traveled to the John Griffin Park, hearing updates from local and regional officials about upcoming efforts to reconnect the park’s braided channels to the Arkansas River, which were formerly a floodplain. After hearing from the community about the need to reconnect River channels so water flows to John Griffin Park, Pettersen has been leading efforts in Congress to invest $50,000,000 in the Park, through the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA), a legislative package that enables the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to improve waterways in the United States. This will improve local water storage, protect against future natural disasters, and provide more trails for all to use. 

Finally, Pettersen toured the Royal Gorge Bridge and Park now reopened for nearly ten years after a wildfire which devastated the area, destroying 48 of the park’s 52 structures. She heard from Cañon City Mayor Preston Troutman about the significant impact of local tax revenue from tourists visiting the Royal Gorge bridge and why preparing public spaces for future wildfires and other disasters is key to the region’s fiscal stability.